Man’s Greatest Need

Man’s Greatest Need

November 15, 20242 min read

Man’s Greatest Need

Man's Greatest Need

God is Love! Love is a flow of Divine Life!

Scripture portrays a flow of pure water of Life, flowing out from the Throne of the Almighty

and of the Lamb. The Father’s love flows to Christ, the Son, and from Christ to His Body,

and from each of us to one another, and it compels each of us towards mankind. Whoever gets

into His flow is made alive with the Life of God!

People complicate God. He is trying to Love us. He created us as the objects of His Love. But

man sinned and turned away from God. He sent Christ into the world to restore us back to Him.

This is love; God didn’t do this because we loved Him but because He loves us.

Men separate themselves from the Divine flow of God’s love because they do not have the Holy

Spirit. Man cannot understand God with his mind. The only thing a man understands is what he

knows and the only thing he knows is what he is.

God's Love passes understanding. We must experience Him. He spreads His love into every area

of our hearts and lives by the Holy Ghost. The Father’s Love is man’s greatest need. It is not our

only need, but it is our greatest need. It is His love that authors and maintains our sonship. And

everything we will ever need is in the flow of His pure (Holy) water of life. (unselfish love)

The more we know Him the more He reveals how much He loves us. He wants to put His hands

upon every area of our lives. When He puts His Hand upon something it prospers.

Our Heavenly Father is the only totally unselfish being there is. When He reveals His Love in

us, we turn our focus from ourselves to Him. We love Him because He loves us first. When the

flow of His Love is completed in our hearts it compels us towards others. His love teaches us to

be unselfish because we know His love for mankind. We no longer know others after our flesh but

after His Love towards them. Everything we will ever need is in the flow!


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